What is Sterile Cockpit and No Contact Period

A “sterile cockpit” and a “no contact period” are terms used in aviation to ensure focused and distraction-free communication and actions during critical phases of flight. These procedures help maintain a high level of safety during takeoff and landing, where precise and concentrated coordination is crucial.


The “sterile cockpit” is a safety procedure that requires the flight deck (cockpit) to be free of non-essential conversations and distractions during the critical phases of flight, which include taxiing, takeoff, landing, and any other low-altitude flight operations. The goal is to minimize distractions in the cockpit and maintain a high level of situational awareness during these critical moments.

During the sterile cockpit period, flight crews are expected to focus exclusively on their flight duties and essential communication related to the flight’s safety. Non-essential activities, such as casual conversation, unrelated tasks, or the use of personal electronic devices, are prohibited during these phases of flight. The sterile cockpit rule is designed to enhance safety by reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that the flight crew’s full attention is dedicated to the safe operation of the aircraft.


The “no contact period” is a term often used in air traffic control (ATC) procedures. It refers to a specific phase of flight when an aircraft is on approach to land. During this period, ATC controllers minimize communication with the aircraft to avoid potential distractions.

The no contact period typically begins as the aircraft enters its final approach and continues until the aircraft has either landed and cleared the runway or executed a go-around. This allows the flight crew to concentrate on their approach and landing procedures without unnecessary communication from air traffic controllers.

The term “No Contact Period” is indeed used by many airlines to define a safety-critical time during which all non-essential cockpit and cabin communications must be avoided. During this period, which typically includes the critical phases of flight such as take-off and landing, the primary focus is on safe flight operations and minimizing distractions.

During takeoff, this period extends from the application of power (thrust) to the retraction of the landing gear. During landing, it extends from the extension of the landing gear to the vacation of the runway.

The specific terminology and procedures related to the “No Contact Period” may vary from one airline to another, but the underlying principle is to ensure a sterile cockpit and minimize any unnecessary communication or activities that could divert the flight crew’s attention from their essential flight duties.

While the no contact period is not as widely known or formally codified as the sterile cockpit concept, it serves a similar purpose by reducing potential distractions during the critical phase of landing.

Both the sterile cockpit and no contact period contribute to aviation safety by ensuring that flight crews can focus on the most critical aspects of flight and maintain situational awareness during take-off and landing, which are the phases of flight with the highest risk of accidents.

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