The following information on separation minima based on radar and/or ADS-B and/or MLAT systems shall be applied in addition to those given in Doc 4444 – PANS -ATM Chapter 8 to the aircraft operating in Indian airspace.
- 5 NM horizontal separation up to 60 NM from radar head
- 5 NM horizontal separation within 60 NM of ADS-B ground station when only ADS-B is used in non-radar environments
- 10 NM horizontal separation beyond 60 NM from radar head
- 10 NM horizontal separation beyond 60 NM of ADS-B ground station when only ADS-B is used in a non-radar environment
- 3 NM from the radar head were specifically authorized
Where ADS-B and/or MLAT is/are used in combination with radar the horizontal separation minima applicable will be same as applicable to the separation based on radar.
Where MLAT is used alone the horizontal separation minima applicable will be as notified/prescribed before its implementation.
Delhi Radar
- 3 NM surveillance based separation at or below F140 within 60 NM of DPN subject to availability of ASR. In case ASR is not available, the separation minima shall be 5 NM
- 5 NM surveillance based separation above F140 within 60 NM of DPN
- 10 NM surveillance based separation beyond 60 NM of DPN
Mumbai Radar
Radar separation minima of 3 NM applicable within 40 NM of Mumbai ASR/MSSR head from Ground to F140
Bengaluru Radar
Radar separation minima of 3 NM applicable within 30 NM of Bengaluru ASR/MSSR head from ground to F140.
Shamshabad Radar
Radar separation minima of 3 NM application within 40 NM of Shamshabad ASR/MSSR head from ground to F140.